kenape prut mard n illi bunyik?
You are not strange.
These stomach noises are a result of gas and air in your intestines getting squashed by moving food. The air is there because we swallow lots of it through-out the day. When we are breathing and eating are two common times for this to happen. The gas is there as a result of the bacteria in the small intestines breaking down food. Whenever the bacteria are required to break down food, gas is given off.
When the gas and air is squashed it makes noises as it tries to move out of the way of the food.
Not everyone's stomach makes the same amount of noise though. Some people's stomach noise is so quiet that maybe you didn't know that they had some until now. Believe me that they do have it, and don't worry( otak die dont worry..malu syell) if you have more stomach noise than they do.
These stomach noises are a result of gas and air in your intestines getting squashed by moving food. The air is there because we swallow lots of it through-out the day. When we are breathing and eating are two common times for this to happen. The gas is there as a result of the bacteria in the small intestines breaking down food. Whenever the bacteria are required to break down food, gas is given off.
When the gas and air is squashed it makes noises as it tries to move out of the way of the food.
Not everyone's stomach makes the same amount of noise though. Some people's stomach noise is so quiet that maybe you didn't know that they had some until now. Believe me that they do have it, and don't worry( otak die dont worry..malu syell) if you have more stomach noise than they do.
One way to get rid of the stomach noise then is obviously to get rid of the extra gas that you have in your stomach. This can be the difficult part <wakakakaka> however. You need to find out what is making the extra gas and then you need to find out if you can remove it>>> kentut r tuh..wakakkakaka..lagi satu solution die is avoid eating nuts n susu..go mard! go illi!hapuskan bunyik~

hungry man is an angry man..
Are you or do you know someone who turns into a HULKING BALL OF RAGE when they are hungry? Recall all of those times when you felt that teeny tiny twinge of hunger and you let too much time pass. Then before you know it, your stomach cuts off your ability to think and you revert back to the terrible twos. Hunger can present itself in any number of mild to severe symptoms such as: anger, dizziness, headache, irritability, mood swing,nausea, slurred speech and passing out (ni ntuk cikin n fatin)

sengal!!! illi palli (bhse korea utk cepat o hurry) feed me!!!wakakakka.....terharu nengok mke sndrik (ak tau ni mesti kes ko nk ngetes skill bru upload photo kt blog kan..wkakakkaka)
word verification ku: cesesse
cube sebot??
bng2 la illie..
haha, kalu xngarut sehari x sah..ahaha
gamba fes pandai cari angle...weewweee
ak bru sedau..bkn bru le..da lme sbnanye..ak lg lawa tym ak tembam!!ni msti kes mkck klinik tu dengki tgk ak lawa tu de pggl ak d very fat gurl so dat nnt mke ak kurus cekong n xlawa...aiiiish tetipu~~
word verification ku:redazor
illi...ko pk ape??
que si itek lobang idong besau-woi!!ko ske kan!!
fatin-cesesey..rezador tu jename razor..cik receptionist..nak bulbbaru..bulb aku tebakau
shapa-ni knyataan kot~~
betol la
bile aku lapa aku marah betul
tgk muka illi pun boleh rase mcm nak bunuh makcik kaunter
wah, kite normal rupenye!
ckin..bunuh makcik kaunter tp jgn bunuh ak si gdis receptionist :D
word verification ku: boantor
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