radio kemek

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

down to memory lane

Last 2 days I dreamt about my old school…my dorm..the sounds of back from school events(including the sound of bags!i wonder how it can come into my dream) the dream, I could see myself unpacking things (as if I was just came back from camping o sth)..i saw my adek dorm, from form 4-form 1..and suddendly I felt weird..why the bed is double decker?
Where is mimie and mard?
Hahaha..that was a weird dream..but in the dream itself, I realise that im not the member of the school anymore..and mimie and mard are no longer my roomates.. At least for 2 years..i woke up and think..that was all memories..
Suddenly I recalled all the good things about school..the lunch(my fav lunch..hari rabu,sup ikan,sambal belacan ngn togey goreng)erm..mase tu rase cam heaven..the feeling of eating the lunch with pandu puteri shirt..tugged in with mafla n sluar biru carrot cut..just cant forget..i still remember I bought that shirt when I was in form 1 and I still wore the very same shirt until form 5..that was weird..really because the shirt is size S..huu
Dewan makan again..i can still recall how the boys boo us when we caused the trays to fall (once I was a falling-trays savior-very proud of myself)..can also remember when I usha my SA from the girls ' seat at dewan makan..purposely seat opposite with the boys seat so tht I could see him..stupidity era..
When we go for outing..i can still feel the feeling of wearing the oversized baju batik made by my mom..the reason is, so that I can wear it until the end of school days..thats very true becoz until now, the baju batik is still over day, when we're walking to pasaraye active(best brand new pasaraye kat kuala pilah..the only pasaraye yg brg die x berabuk), my 5 ringgit note fell into a quite huge..ok, its really huge actually drain.its stinky..and clogged.. The best part towards money had over powered the condition of the drain..i got down ,pick up the money and straight away bought a waffle at the stall in front of pasaraye active..hahahah..i gotta say sorry to that akak..thats so bacterious behaviour..
I also could not forget the very tree that we carved our name on(me n mira)..i wonder if the tree is still there..and the poor wall where we wrote our SA's name on..that were all memories..i wish I can go back to the time..feel the feeling of being teased by the boys..(they don’t even know my real name..thts really awful..teasing me for 5 years!).however, that’s all memories..time that comes will passed by
human are the sky..nothing can stick on it forever..even the plane will land..even the bird will goes back to their nest~lipstick


~MaRd~ said...

kesian akak waffle tuh!

Izyan Izzaty said...

the good ol days~~~haha!

illiAna said...

ermm..trying to make the best of it

Miss R said...

wahh..xpnah ak sangke ko g terjun dlm longkang tue..ahahha